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Design Night goes Indian powered by PechaKucha
21 maj, 2015 | 18:00 - 20:00
Välkommen till en special-PechaKucha under India Unlimited, ett projekt där indisk kultur och näringsliv möter svensk. Svensk Form håller i en PechaKucha på Millesgården dit vi bjudit in talare med olika kopplingar till Indien.
Ewa Kumlin, CEO of Svensk Form and Form Magazine, will be hosting Design Night goes Indian, showcasing Indian design, art and architecture.
We have also arranged transportation to Millesgården! The bus leaves from Sheraton Hotel in Stockholm at 5.30 pm. The bus will also take us back to Stockholm City after the PechaKucha, arriving at Sheraton around 8.30 pm.
Our special PechaKucha speakers, all connected to India:
Divya Thakur
India past Forward, Designer and Head of design studio Design temple
Banashri Bose Harrison
Ambassador of India
Anna Berglöf
Unseen art of Tata trucks the Truck Project, PHD at Karolinska Institutet
Sanna Sevika Hansson
Artist & Designer, India-born, Sweden-raised, Istanbul-based since 2008
Ronald Jones
Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Design in India for ten years
Erika Tanos
Anthropologist specializing in social trust, doing fieldwork in some of the most remote parts of Northeast India
PechaKucha is a presentation style, in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each. The format keeps presentations concise and fast paced, powers multiple-speaker events, and has caught on globally. PechaKucha was created by Klein Dytham architecture in Tokyo.
You are also welcome to see Divya Thakur’s textile design exhibition ”India Past Forward” at Millesgården:
”With a selection of contemporary design objects, Studio Design Temple, traces parallell inspirations from India’s past to display the ingenuity of this 5000 years old civilisation.”
For more information: http://indiaunlimited.se/