Swedish Form's Board of Directors

The highest decision-making body is Svensk Form's annual meeting, which appoints the association's board. The board meets between 5-6 times a year and the annual meeting is held in May. The board appoints the CEO and decides on the budget and the overall strategy of the organization. 
Maria Lomholt - Chairperson

Email: maria@marialomholt.com

Åsa Myrdal Bratt - Member
Email: asa@myrdalbrattpartners.se
Björn Nordin - Member

Email: bjorn.nordin@svenskform.se

Owe Hjelmqvist - Vice Chairman

Email: hjelmqvist@cahlegal.se

Jonas Olsson - Member

Email: jonas.olsson@svid.se

Åsa Lockner - Member

Email: asa@lock.se

Charlotte Ljung - Member

Email: cl@charlotteljung.com

Panteha Pournoroozy - regional association representative

Email: p.p.noroozy@gmail.com

Sophia Genitz - regional association representative

Email: sophiagenitz@gmail.com

Electoral Commission

In accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal, Johan Lindskog, Kristina Brink, Anna Elzer Oscarsson, Dag Holmgren and Henning Rylander Eklund were elected to the Nomination Committee until the end of the 2025 Annual General Meeting.

Here you can download Svensk Form's statutes

Here you can download Annual report for 2023