My Membership Card

To access your membership card, you need to log in to our membership page. On the membership page, you will not only find your membership card, but you can also change your address details and view your invoices.

Swedish Form's membership page at Flowy:

If you are not registered on the membership site, you can easily create an account as follows:

  1. On the member page, click on "I want to register a new user",
  2. There you fill in your email address and Flowy, our member service, will send a verification link to your email address. It is important that you use the same email address that you have registered in your Swedish Form membership. If you are unsure which email address you are using, you can contact Flowy's customer service at or tel. 08-799 62 68.
  3. Once your membership is created, log in to the membership page and find the membership card under the tab, "my membership card".
  4. Congratulations - you now have a digital membership card!

Not able to use a digital membership card? Please contact Ida Dahlgren at

Membership Card on Your Mobile

To easily access your digital membership card in the future, you can save the website to your mobile phone's home screen. To save the website on your home screen, proceed as follows:

iPhone or iPad

  1. Sign up for my membership card via our membership page
  2. Press the share symbol (looks like a square with an arrow through it)
  3. Then press add on the home screen


  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Sign up for my membership card via our membership page
  3. Press the menu icon (3 dots in the top right corner) and press "add to home screen