Welcome to Svensk Form Örebro Län!
We are a regional association within Svensk Form and geographically cover Örebro County. If you work with - or just like form & design and are in our area - then this is a perfect association for you.
Form breakfasts, Form evening sandwiches, exhibitions, study visits, workshops, lectures and more - in addition, you get the design magazine FORM 4 times a year and access to the entire association's national strength and activities.
Beneficial friends
Konsthantverkarna in Örebro. Järntorgsgatan 2 in Örebro(map). Tel 019-107905. The membership card in Svensk Form gives 10% discount in the store.
Saga Melina. Drottninggatan 22 in Örebro (map). Tel 076-864 98 69. The membership card in Svensk Form gives 20% discount in the store on jewelry.
Wondering how to become one? Get in touch with us and we'll tell you more.
Contact us
Contact us orebro@svenskform.se