B e l o n g i n g

In this project, I wanted to explore different approaches for observing and actively using a place and its collective memories in a design process. For my method I built and used an archive, where location­ specific characters in the shape of architectural elements, expressions and materials are interpreted and translated into new structures. On­site additions become reactions to their surroundings, and take part in the ongoing narrative of a place.

J u d g e s ’  c o m m e n t s :

An inspiring graduation piece that starts from the idea of local character, and uses the entire toolbox of architecture to create a house of culture and a new shared meeting-place. The work comprises a rich and comprehensive body of sketch material, where ideas and investigations are carefully fashioned. Through an iterative process, and with sympathetic drawings, perspectives and models, the end result is a well- considered collection of built structures on Brännö island in the Gothenburg archipelago.

Joséphine Rapp Thomas was awarded the 2022 Arvet Travel Scholarship.

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