W h e n   T h e   E x i t   s i g n   S h i n e s   B r i g h t e r   T h a n   W e l c o m e 

My work depicts a door of standard height that articulates an illusory collapse. Symbolically and metaphorically, it can both open a portal and act as a physical boundary that transitions us from one world to another, from one state to another, straddling the line between fantasy and reality. The material I used is solid pine, which I shaped with an angle grinder and other hand tools.

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s : 

Surrealistically carved narratives and digital shifts convey the living materiality of the forest and trees in this well-crafted study. The hard material, through the hand’s touch, becomes almost rendered and fluidly soft.

Malin Norberg instagram