A b o v e / B e l o w
Our pilot project is an interdisciplinary exploration of how ecologically rich environments along the Göta älv river can be restored. We used natural and reused materials to create a teaching pavilion and 3Dprinted clay modules that facilitate the development of common mussels in Frihamnen harbour in central Gothenburg. The project unites our love of creating social and educational spaces in the city, with our passion for digital manufacturing in grassroots production, with the aim of encouraging local ecological stewardship.
J u d g e s ’ c o m m e n t s :
A multidisciplinary collaboration that has resulted in exciting artefacts where the manufacturing method has involved combining additive production with natural growth. An examination of how new technology, ecology, pedagogy, industrial design and service design could be deployed to create better habitats for common mussels, other aquatic fauna and flora in the Göta älv river.
The work shows how design can add more than just new products. Here, aquaculture is given new design perspectives beneath the surface.
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