A v l u

We have created a public art installation on Taxingeplan square in Stockholm, starting from the spatial idea of Avlu, ‘courtyard’ in Turkish. The Avlu consists of hand­stitched clothes in construction fabric made with the women’s café at Tensta Konsthall art gallery. Laundry is associated with the private, dirty, invisible chore often ascribed to women. During the pandemic, we look for places for physical closeness, protection and community. By hanging out laundry in the public space, we create a recognisable meeting­place for presence.

J u d g e s ’  c o m m e n t s:

A work that examines how location-specific collective processes can renegotiate understanding of the public space. Through a textile shadow structure, a furnishing plan and different activities, the shared space of Taxingeplan square is infused with new meanings and new content. With playful lightness, complex questions are formulated in this temporary spatial installation regarding how city spaces can be designed and used.

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