I m a g i n e : 

By integrating the human form with a circular, transformable construction, I present a narrative-building dance costume. These costumes provide access to an extensive repertoire of silhouettes, which in turn offer dancers and us a new library of forms to explore a language of the body in. As a result, I hope to transport the audience beyond the boundaries of the human form, and provide imaginative associations with the aim of stimulating its creativity.

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s : 

Uniquely free, and delightful flirtation with theater and dance traditions. With bold strokes, these garments are a set of tools that challenge the imagination. A kind of spatially exciting avant-garde alphabet that invites movement and portrayals of different kinds of stories. Here, seriousness and humor invite proportions and dynamics to dance.

Amanda Wisselgren instagram