Ung Svensk Form is an arena for young design in Sweden. Ung Svensk Form is a juried competition where the nominated entries will take part in an travel exhibition. To apply you need to be born in 1983 or later. All students can apply, regardless of age.

You can no longer apply to Ung Svensk Form 2020

By applying to Ung Svensk Form 2020 – you’ll have the opportunity to obtain a work scholarship consisting of a salary and housing at IKEA. Ung Svensk Form is open to young designers working in Sweden and Swedish designers residing and working outside of Sweden. All fields of design can apply! (Graphic design, product design, architecture, interior design, exhibition design, furniture, glass, ceramic, textile, fashion, web design etc etc)

This year’s jury: Samir Alj Fält, Parasto Backman,  Caroline B. Le BongoatJohan Deurell, Linnéa Therese Dimitriou, Salka Hallström (Chair woman of the Jury), Tom Hedqvist, Åsa Jungnelius, Henrik Johansson, Nike Karlsson, Petra Lilja, Tor Lindstrand, Bea Szenfeld and Mats Widbom.

Ung Svensk Form is organised by Svensk Form, ArkDes, IKEA and the City of Malmö.