The Ung Svensk Form nominees participate in a touring exhibition of the best of young Swedish design, and also has the chance to receive one of the following scholarships:
Working grant with salary and accommodation for 5 months in Älmhult at IKEA of Sweden.
IKEA and Svensk Form collaborates again on the award Young Swedish Design. IKEA offers a five-month working grant at IKEA of Sweden for one of the winners of this year’s Young Swedish Design. The partnership also includes an annual workshop with students from several countries about how we want to live and work in the future.
Three scholarships à 30 000 SEK from the Swedish Foundation Tannery industry’s promotion.
Each round of Ung Svebsk Form the Tannery Industry offers three generous scholarships each of 30 000 SEK.
The Tannery Industry also invites all nominees to a study trip to one of one of Sweden’s remaining five tanneries. 2013 we visited Tärnsjö in Uppland and 2014 we were at the Elmo Leather in Västergötland. Kero Leather in Pajala/Sattajärvi was the host of this trip in 2015.