H a r d   S o f t n e s s

I work exploratively with the material glass, and the transformation from soft to hard. The material shift from textile to glass is pivotal. My originals are made from fabric, with inspiration from fashion and haute couture. The shapes and structures are abstract with the feeling of soft textile. I work with a special technique in glass, called hot blow mould. It means I blow the glass in a hot plaster mould and get an exact impression of my textile original.

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s :

Oneliner goodies in glass seduce us with their appealing surfaces. We enjoy the illusion and the contrasts between the soft and fluffy and the hard and shiny. The textile shapes that have been cast reflect contemporary fashion, which is currently dominated by over-dimensioned proportions, heavily detailed with quilting in clothes and accessories.

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