G r a n d m o t h e r   o f   C a t s  – D r e s s e d   d r u n k

I present a collection made of consumer leftovers – both textiles and non­textiles in a new context. My method develops as a kind of design equation, where thing + thing = hybrid.

The title is based on the muse I’ve created, a persona that shows how all materials are of equal value. A crazy cat lady, who through compulsive collecting values worn­out disposable items as much as she values her silk shawls.

The collection highlights the serious subject of overconsumption with humour, thus making the discussion about change more accessible.

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s :

Going over the top has taken on new meaning. With a large dose of humour and also much seriousness, this work puts its finger on the biggest dilemma of our age: what should we do with our materialistic overload? It looks at the idea of ‘remake’ in an exciting way that has led not only to an interesting collection, but also to a design method with the potential to impact the entire design field. This rich collection of hybrid-clashes piles on the hits with endless value. You laugh out loud, but seriously.

Hanna Linnea Ryd was awarded the 2022 Massive Entertainment working grant.

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