Inspired by the Memphis Group’s use of pop art as a contemporary reference for breaking away from the dominant modernism of their age, I found my contemporary reference in the sneakers aesthetic and used it as a context for a shelf/sculpture to break away from today’s minimalism. By exploring reused rubber granules as my primary material when casting complex geometric shapes, in combination with anodised aluminium, I’ve endeavoured to create a radical contemporary expression, which at the same time is uncompromising in its sustainability.

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s :

A free-standing monumental piece that feels just as much at home in the living room, in a warehouse or on the street. The choice of materials and design language make it impossible not to have an opinion. With three basic components and an industrially inspired mindset, it shows a possible way for sneaker culture to move into the world of furniture. There’s a lot of function, but also a lot of object.

Gustav Winsth was awarded the 2022 Lammhults Möbel exhibition grant.

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Gustav Winsth webpage