/ k j u : b /   ( c u b e )

We spend most of our lives in boxes and squares that architects and urban planners have pushed us into. With this bench, I explore the built environ­ ment’s many checked patterns and our relationship with them.

By breaking down traditional furniture into its smallest components, I explore the boundary between rooms and objects. The light ash structure is transformed into furniture by adding cushions, and is a comment on the objects we surround ourselves with, as well as a tribute to our ability to recover from the boxed-­in life

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s :

A kind of climbing frame that invites collaboration and change. An explorative furniture module system which, with its visible structure, creates volume with relatively little resources. A piece of furniture that manages to be both universal and hard to place in design history, with a shape that balances between the public and the private.

Gergely Kovacs was awarded the 2022 Kvadrat exhibition grant.

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