T h e   D e n

I’ve created a cat cage that can be a part of the everyday, at home or when travelling. It aims to make it easier for cat owners, but it’s also meant to be safe, secure and comfortable for the cat. I wanted to create an alternative to other, often plastic, awkward and sometimes noisy cat cages that are often kept hidden away. The materials have been chosen to last a long time, and to create a more cosy feel. The cage is mainly made of birch, furniture fabric and leather, with details such as zips, metal clasps and magnets.

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s :

In an age when people have to take their ‘corona pets’ to work, there is now an alternative to turquoise plastic boxes. Inquisitive use of natural materials that deliver a sustainable, safe, attractive, multifunctional solution for transporting pets. With an attractive, convincing proto- type of high quality and with well-considered solutions, the cat cage is given a new place in our everyday lives.

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