P o p

The pandemic has changed our lives for good, as well as our workplaces. With Scandinavian influences, I wanted to bring the office into the home, without disturbing the homely feel. My concept Pop is a small, compact desk that encourages the user to adopt different working postures. Using birch, birch plywood and linoleum as materials, I’ve created a piece of furniture that ages with dignity, and can easily be dismantled and recycled.

J u d g e s ’   c o m m e n t s :

A multifunctional, minimalist form that reflects modern issues surrounding working from home in post-pandemic times. Simple, obvious shapes that can be used in several ways and individually. An exciting response to the conflict between demands on flexibility in working life and the ever-increasing lack of space in the home.

Andreas Berggren was awarded the 2022 Svenskt Trä Travel Scholarship.

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