Design Forward is a tailor-made intensive course for newly established design and fashion companies. The course takes place in Leksand and Stockholm, and is complemented by three individual coaching sessions. The course ends in February 2018, in conjunction with the Stockholm Design Week and the 20th anniversary of Ung Svensk Form (Young Swedish Form). The course is given in Swedish.

Who can apply?
Former participants in Ung Svensk Form and Swedish Fashion Talents or members of the organisation Design Sweden and have recently started their own business. Become a Design Sweden member here

Course content
Design Forward is a business development course, adapted to newly established Swedish design and fashion companies. The aim is to give the course participants a push in future career choices, self-awareness and tools for developing their business activities. The earlier you get in touch with us, the more influence you will have on the the content of the course. That means that your own experiences and needs will be in focus. It’s your development as an entrepreneur and the tools you need that are important. Business models, agreements, brand issues, internationalization, social media such as strategic communication as well as production and sales are all parts of the course.

Course structure
The course starts with an introductory day in Stockholm and is then conducted as an internship for three days at the Entrepreneurs School in Leksand. Each course participant is also offered three individiual coaching sessions. At the end of the course all course participants will pitch their business idea for a panel. Design Forward have room for 16-20 course participants.

Svensk Form pays the course cost, food and accommodation in Leksand and a joint trip to and from Leksand. You pay the trip to Stockholm for course start and end, and a registration fee of SEK 200 – Svensk Form pay the rest.

Sign up by emailing Erika Zinders and answer the questions below:

  1. Name
  2. Company / Workplace
  3. E-mail
  4. Phone
  5. Postal Address
  6. Place of residence
  7. Professional orientation
  8. International experience
  9. My own most important business challenge in the next year is
  10. How much time do you plan to attend the course in addition to the scheduled occasions?
  11. My motivation to take time to attend the course
  12. Other information I would like to convey regarding the content of the course
  13. Education
  14. Professional experience

Apply no later than September 22, 2017 via email to:
Erika Zinders

Program will be sent to all who are accepted for the course on September 27, 2017.

Important dates Autumn 2017

September 7th Inspiration evening in Svensk Form’s Library. Come and listen to previous course participants when they share their experiences.  Svensksundsvägen 13, Skeppsholmen, Sthlm.
September 22 – Last day to apply to Design Forward
September 27 – Decision on admission and mailing of course programs.
October date TBA – Introduction afternoon and evening in Stockholm.
November 21-24 – Internation at Leksand Entrepreneurship School.
week. 48, 49, 50 – Coaching, individually at different locations.
February 6 – Course final in connection with Ung Svensk Form’s 20th anniversary.

Erika Zinders, Svensk Form
E-mail to Erika Zinders or call 073 540 12 81

Svensk Form has received contribution from The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth for Design Forward and cooperates with Design Sweden and Swedish Fashion Council in this project.